Monday, April 4, 2011

Charlotte Christine Piercey

This post is definitely way overdue and since I couldn't think of a crafty subject, I chose the most important piece of news since last I wrote - we have decided on a name! Originally we weren't going to spread the name around in case we changed our minds, however, after 6 weeks of heavy consideration we know for certain that we are stuck on Charlotte. We love it and think it is perfect for our little girl :) It even comes with a fun story. Shortly after we had found out the sex, we were having lunch with a coworker/good friend of Brent's along with his wife and 3 year old daughter, Georgia. They asked if we had thought much about names and we shared our frustration with finding the perfect name. Georgia was then asked what we should name our baby, and as any 3-year-old would do, she named her best friends' names, Ethan and Charlotte. Seeing as Ethan was out of the question, we actually started to consider Charlotte....and it was pretty much a done deal from there!

Other fun news...lets see....I officially start my 3rd trimester this week which is absolutely unbelievable. Didn't I just pee on that first stick yesterday?? Also, the kicking continues to get stronger and stronger and I love it. Now, it is strong enough that I get to watch my belly pop. Weird and awesome all at the same time!

In a previous post I talked about how pregnancy is all about the checklists. We've been crossing off a lot recently and it feels good. Items officially taken care of include: Finding a day care, finishing our registry, finding a pediatrician, signing up for prenatal classes, making a will (still in progress and definitely our least favorite task so far), and getting the nursery together (definitely my favorite task so far). Here are some pictures of the transformation so far!

It started as a guest room....

 Then Brent, being the wonderful husband he is, installed wainscotting/chair rails just as I pictured it:

 Crib assembly!
Furniture all moved in!

 And this I finished just last night:


  1. The nursery looks fabulous!! And congrats on picking a name - I love the story! So cute!

  2. So pretty -- love the stuffed pug :) And I love the name!


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