Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dr. P-isms

Today we had another monthly appointment. Everything went well but it was a very standard appointment, so nothing really news-worthy.

However, I walked away from the appointment thinking I need to keep a log of all the goofy things my Dr. says. I knew from the start that I wanted to stick with my current ob/gyn for the pregnancy because even though I'd only see him once a year, his funny comments would always stick with me. I figured a good sense of humor would come in handy in moments of freak-out (mainly thinking of labor and delivery).

A few I remember from pre-pregnancy:

Dr. P: "So are thinking about children yet?"
Me: "No, not yet"
Dr. P: "Well I'm not going to be here forever!"

Dr. P. strolls into the appointment whistling/signing: "The singing is at no extra cost"
Me: "Good, I don't think my insurance would cover it"

So now for a list of my favorites so far:

Dr. P while looking at my chart at my first prenatal appt: "Last time you were here I recommended you switch to the Nuva Ring, looks like you didn't listen to me"

Me: "How do you feel about hair treatments?"
Dr. P: "Just don't drink it"

Dr. P explaining why he did an ultrasound at my first appointment even though it wasn't necessary: "Its like why a dog licks its genitals....because it can"

Dr. P after finding the heartbeat: "Thank you" - like it was a performance :)

Dr. P after determining gender: "Well at least that's my vote, but I didn't vote for Obama and look how much good that did."

I'll be adding more as they come to me and as we go to future appointments.

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